In 2nd October 2016, the liver disease patient who came forward for their fellow to create a voice which is clear “I suffer I care & Now it’s You” with a logo which is self-explanatory i.e. the River patients get united to lead the cause of their own and for their fellow to make them aware, prevent and care the self. This led to birth of health based charitable organizations the “Indian Liver Patient Foundation (ILPF)” under able guidance of founder Dr. Ashok Choudhury, a Hematologist and liver transplant physician, researcher, academician, patient sympathizer and above all a social activist with support of his life partner Dr. Bishnupriya Sahoo. It conducted its first state level seminar in March 2017 followed up by three annual conferences, multiple health camps, school health education, institutional and corporate awareness program. lLPF started a state-wide campaign for awareness for hepatitis prevention, screening for hepatitis, cyclone relief campaign during Fani in 2019 and wellness program. It’s mission is for a society with free from or with minimum liver disease burden was shouldered by its active dynamic members, who came from different walk of life and started contributing their valuable time for the cause. ILPF journey had passed through many troughs and tides over times for its present form by the support of its visionary leaders, dynamic members, brand ambassadors, love of countless liver patients and passion of volunteers.
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